Tuesday 24 June 2014

Enjoy the Little Things

"Enjoy the Little Things in Life" reminds me to be grateful for even the smallest surprises, delights and rituals that occur on a day-to-day basis. I did this original artwork as part of the May/June Giveaway on Life Book 2014. Congratulations to Jacqueline on winning! This prize will be winging its way to her very soon.


I loved using this flower stencil as soft texture in the background, I even turned it over and patted the glimmer mist ink lying on the surface to darken and add extra texture. I sketched the teacups, fairies and cupcake and then it was straight to painting with acrylics, watersoluble crayons and watercolour pencils. 

After transferring the quote I went over it with green and purple glitter pens, it is hard for the camera to pick up the sparkle. 

Glitter paint adds a bit more bling to the fairies wings and wand, I adore how it twinkles in the light. Do you have any daily rituals that put a little bit of joy or happiness in your day?

Comments are encouraged and welcomed.

Until next time, Happy Creating and have a great week!


  1. Yes, I think these rituals are important! In our house, every night at dinner everyone at the table has to tell the rest of the family about at least one thing that made them happy that day. And usually, the things that bring the most joy are indeed the little things.Love that soft stencil and the pale turquoise in the background, by the way...

    1. Love your daily ritual Phoenix, I think it is so important to come together at meal times and have that interaction.

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave your sweet comments x
